Becaue what i just wrote is confusing i'll try put it this wayĪt level you find a pistol that dose 100 damage, after level 1 gun damage gose up til you hit level10 where it dose 200 damge and then it gose back down to 100 again at level 11. Its hard to get the highest damage guns in the game because during the leveling up from 1-30 the gun damage scales at about 1-10 survivor level meaning you can get guns found in fixed locations like the house in the slums that do the max damage a pistol can do but it will be a base line pistol and not a gold or camo ones that do higher damage but by the time you get them in shops or get the missions where you get the gun creates which are rare you will be above the levels where firearm damage scales before going down again to the base damage meaning there is no way to tell. Prepere for an aurtistic wall of text from a nut ingame